Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Latino(a) History Project

Recovering Our History, Encountering Our Past, Telling Our Stories
Unitarian Universalism and Latinos (as), Hispanics

editors:  Rev. Jose Ballester, and Rev. Patricia Jimenez

In 2010 we began a history project to uncover and document the history and involvement of Latinos, Latinas and Hispanics in Unitarian Universalism. Ultimately it is our hope to publish our results in book form for wide distribution. Our first task was to place the information in a timeline.

The information contained in the timeline that follows is composed of dates and facts gathered by Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed during his research for another project; and dates and facts put together from various records by Reverends Jose Ballester and Patricia Jimenez.

From 1845 when Henry David Thoreau refused to pay his taxes to protest the U.S. invasion of Mexico to more recent efforts by congregations and individuals in support of immigration reform, Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists have met and interacted with Latinos and Latinas and Hispanics. While many of these encounters have occurred within the borders of the United State, some individuals from the United States have traveled south, learned Spanish, and become educated in the history, culture, customs and food of the various countries they moved through.

Movement has not been on-way, however. Over several decades, Latino(as) and Hispanics have found their way to Unitarian Universalism, drawn to our congregations for reasons as varied as they are. These individuals have become part of congregations all over the United States, serving in churches and denominational affairs in a wide variety of capacities. For the most part, they went mostly unnoticed. This invisibility can be attributed to several reasons: from cultural norms that proclaim “we don’t see color (or differences)” to the fact that many Latinos(as) and Hispanics appear to blend into the dominant culture.

Individuals outside of the United States also have been drawn to our faith, forming small house churches and congregations in various Latin American countries and Spain, striving in what ever way they can to be in touch with Unitarian Universalism in the United States.

Self-identification and ordination
It is important to note that in earlier years, association offices responsible for ministerial candidates and settlement issues did not track seminarians, candidates, or ministers from historically marginalized communities. Individual candidates or ministers might be noticed because they “looked different” but that way of identifying individuals was not a reliable method of identification. Nor were individuals asked to self-identify.

Readers will notice in the timeline the names of individuals ordained as ministers. For many years, it was not noticed or noted that there were Latino(as) or Hispanic ministers in our movement. The editors have included individuals who have self-identified as Latino(a) or Hispanic at some point in their career.  We have not included individuals who did not complete the process to become Unitarian Universalist ministers and have left the movement. Some individuals who self-identified as Latino or Latina or Hispanic, now self-identify as multicultural. Self-identification is key here, and a point the editors have sought to respect.

Additionally we are including individuals who are neither Latino(a), Hispanic but who have been influential to the Unitarian Universalist Latino(a), Hispanic community. These individuals may or may not be ordained UU ministers. Furthermore we have included individuals who were ordained and fellowshipped into Unitarian Universalism but subsequently left.

Your Assistance
We are requesting your assistance in completing, correcting or expanding this timeline. Please  send your comments to and we will publish additions in future blogs. Please note this timeline is the exclusive property of the editors, and may not be copied or reproduced without our written consent. We thank you for your assistance.

1845 – John L. O’Sullivan coins the phrase “Manifest Destiny”. This underscores the belief held by expansionists in the United States, that it is divinely destined for the United States to obtain the land between the US and the Pacific Coast. This meant annexing Texas and conquering California, New Mexico and Oregon.

1846 – US Congress declares war on Mexico. US President James Polk, an expansionist, orders US troops into disputed territory on the newly annexed Texas border. Unitarians, especially in New England, are vocal in their opposition to the war:
John Quincy Adams (Unitarian former president) states the war with Mexico is primarily an effort to expand slavery
Theodore Parker opposes war in sermon
Henry David Thoreau refuses to pay taxes as a protest to the war with Mexico
Federal Street Church (Boston) issues a statement in opposition to the war

1849 – Thoreau’s essay “Civil Disobedience” is published under the title “Resistance to Civil Government. The injustice cited is the war with Mexico and practice of slavery.

1898 – US declares war on Spain and as a result the US annexes Puerto Rico, Cuba, Wake and the Philippines

1915 – Clarence Skinner publishes The Social Implications of Universalism. This was an interpretation of the Social Gospel that saw no limits to faith being connected to optimism and hope. Skinner advocated for the creation of the kingdom of heaven on earth and thus social justice issues were to be religious issues. Solutions to concerns were often derived without input from the marginalized communities.

1935 – Evaristo Hurtado writes to the American Unitarian Association (AUA) for the second time asking for a missionary to Mexico

1942 – The AUA passes a resolution on Race Relations

1942 – Radio broadcasts from Miami spread knowledge of liberal religion. A listening group in Havana, Cuba translate the 15-minute broadcasts into Spanish for those who do not understand English.

1943 – The Christian Register (Unitarian) publishes issue on Race in response to the AUA’s resolution the previous year

1945 – Christian Register publishes an article entitled Puerto Ricans: Americans – Second Class

1947 – Unitarian Service Committee begins the Texas Migrant Workers Project

1954 – Christian Register reports that there are two Unitarian Fellowships in Mexico City; one for English speaking participants and one for Spanish speaking.

1962 – John Burciaga (Mexican-American/Italian heritage) is ordained

1963 – Gonzalo Molina (Mexican-American activist from East LA) is appointed to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Commission on Race & Religion. Rev. Stephen Fritchman of Los Angeles recommended Mr. Molina.

1963 – Gonzalo Molina is to attend Conference of Philosophers in Mexico City, but not empowered to represent (UUA) Commission on Race & Religion at the conference

1964 – In response to an appeal from the UU World Service, the [Evening] Alliance of the Ridgewood Unitarians, donated eight boxes of clothing to the International Rescue Committee in New York for Cuban refugees

1969 – UU minister Howard Matson works with Caesar Chavez

1972 – UUA General Assembly (GA) in Dallas passes resolution supporting United Farm Worker (UFW) Lettuce Boycott

1974 – GA in New York City passes resolution supporting UFW boycott

1976 – 1st Unitarian Church of Los Angeles publishes hymnal (How Can I Keep From Singing) with two Spanish language hymns and a reading from the Spanish poet and dramatist Garcia Lorca (Federico del Segrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca).

1976 – Harold Rosen is ordained (his mother was Mexican-American). Harold identifies more with his father’s Jewish identity. Eventually he leaves Unitarian Universalism for the Baha’i faith.

1977 – Richard Scobie and John McAward of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) makes a fact-finding tour to El Salvador and testify before the House International Relations Committee.

1977 – Thomas Cabezas is ordained (Puerto Rican heritage). he is initially fellowshipped as a parish minster but later switches to community ministry as a pastoral counselor.

1980 – UUSC organizes first Central American Encuentro for rural community development workers

1982 – Frank Rivas is fellowshipped. He identifies as Spanish (his parents were from Spain), he has served as a parish minister in Columbus, Ohio and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1984 – GA in Columbus passes resolution Concerning Central American Refuges. Twenty-eight percent of sanctuary congregations were Unitarian Universalist.

1984 – José Ballester is ordained (Puerto Rican heritage). He has served as a parish minister (7 congregations), community minster (with the UUSC) and contributed to religious education material. Furthermore he has served as District President (Ballou Channing District) and a Trustee od the UUA.

1985 – Óscar Romero Congregation, a separate congregation nested within the Unitarian Church of LA, is organized around Ricardo Zelada, a refuge from El Salvador who was given sanctuary within the church. Most of the original members were asylum seekers from El Salvador, but subsequent members were from different parts of Latin America. .

1985 GA in Atlanta establishes Black Working Concerns group. (later to become the Jubilee World Group). Initially its establishment was opposed on the grounds that other ethnic groups were being ignored.

1986 – UUA Board of Trustees creates Sanctuary Fund

1986 – Susan Manker-Seale is fellowshipped

1987 – The UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico is a Unitarian Universalist congregation is founded by ex-patriots from the United Stated.

1989 – The Quality of Religious Life in UU Congregations survey done by the UUA Commission on Appraisal fails to include Hispanics or Latinos(as) in the questionnaire.

1990 – UUs for Habla Hispana (UUHH) begins in San Jose, CA.

1992 – GA in Calgary passes Resolution of Immediate Witness: Racial and Cultural Diversity in Unitarian Universalism. In response the UUA Board of Trustees appoints a Racial and Cultural Diversity Task Force. No Latinos(as) are named to the task force.

1993 – The First Unitarian Church of San Jose, CA begins an intentional ministry to serve Spanish-speaking people who were seeking a liberal religious home. It was to be “…one church with many ministries.”

1994 – Patricia Jimenez is fellowshipped

1994 – Julio Noboa, José Ballester and Edward Aguilar meet in Atlanta and begin talking about the need for a Latino/a UU group. From this meeting the seeds for LUUNA (Latino/a Unitarian Universalist Networking Association) are planted

1995 – At the GA in Spokane an organizing meeting for LUUNA is gathered and a steering committee is formed.

1996 – At the GA in Indianapolis the presentation from the Racial and Cultural Task Force is notable in lacking any Latino/a inclusion.

1996 – Leadership from LUUNA and the African-American Unitarian Universalist Ministers (AAUUM) meet to discuss formation of an umbrella organization. Because of differences in organizational structure and goals the idea is tabled. A few months later, a gathering of religious professionals from several marginalized communities meet in Los Gatos, CA. From that meeting the Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) has its inception.

1999 – The UUA Journey Toward Wholeness Committee holds a Stakeholders gathering in Kansas City. Several attendees, including most of the Latino/a contingency walk out of the meeting in protest.

1999 – Ervin Barrios is elected to the GA Planning Committee.

1999 – LUUNA publishes Bringing Gifts, a response to the UUA’s Justice-making, Anti-racism, Anti-oppression initiatives. It highlights the gifts and insights the Latino/a community brings to Unitarian Universalism.

1999 – Laurie Auffant, Lilia Cuervo, Kristen Harper and Peter Morales are ordained.

2001 – Peter Morales becomes first Latino member of the UUA Board of Trustees.

2002 – The Hispanic Ministry Caucus of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (HMC/UUMA) is founded.

2002 – Peter Morales is named UUA Director of District Services.

2003 – Marta Valentin ordained

2003 – At the GA in Boston, delegates fail to endorse a boycott requested by the migrant farm workers from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Immokalee, FL.

2003 – DRUUMM and LUUNA co-sponsor Dolores Huerta as a speaker at the Boston General Assembly.

2004 – Jacqueline Clement ordained

2005 – International Congress of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) holds leadership conference in Argentina.

2005 – During the opening ceremony of the GA in Fort Worth, TX, there is no mention of Hispanic or Latino(a) contribution or history in the region.

2005 – The Hispanic Ministry Caucus holds a conference at Meadville/Lombard Drinking From Our Own Wells. A video with excerpts from the conference is produced and distributed.
2007 – UUA Administration supports the New Sanctuary Movement

2007 – GA in Portland passes an Action of Immediate Witness: Support Immigrant Families, Stop the I.C.E Raids and calls for immigration justice.

2008 – GA in Fort Lauderdale passes resolution: End Present Day Slavery in the Fields. The resolution is in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW),

2008 – UUs of the South Bay in Chula Vista, CA, an intentionally diverse congregation is started by the First UU Church of San Diego. Mar Cardenas is hired as coordinator.

2008 – Wendy Pantoja and Jessica “Purple” Rodela are ordained

2009 – Peter Morales becomes first Latino elected as president of the UUA

2009 – UUA publishes the Spanish language hymnal Las Voces Del Camino: Un Complemento de Singing the Living Tradition. Gaylord “Smitty” Smith, an anglo who teaches Spanish, is the person who worked diligently putting together most of the material in this hymnal.

2010 – At the GA in Minneapolis, MN delegates debate whether to hold the 2012 GA in Phoenix, AZ in view of the requested boycott by various groups protesting the signing of SB 1070. Delegates vote to hold the GA in Phoenix but request the GA be devoted to justice issues.

2010 – The UUA Board of Trustees appoints an Accountability Group to advice on plans for GA.

2011– GA in Charlotte

2012 – Justice General Assembly held in Phoenix

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