As we approach another Election Time, it has become obvious that voter suppression is once more reared its ugly head. While the current administration employs differing methods to assure a victory in November, these are not new efforts. When I was the Director of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) “Justworks” program I was able to document instances of injustice. This was one of voter suppression in Alabama.
This family lived in a rural township. Their closest neighbor was about half a mile down the road. One night this individual heard a car drive up to their house. Next he heard the sound of four car doors opening and being slammed close. Next there is a knock at his door and three individuals enter is house. All of them are familiar townsmen and they inform the homeowner they are there to help him. With the local election scheduled in a few weeks they brought the homeowners’ absentee ballot to him. That way the homeowner does not have travel to the town offices in order to cast his vote. They watch and assist the homeowner in filling out his ballot. They leave, taking the ballot with them and assure the homeowner they will file his ballot.
As they leave, the homeowner clearly hears the sound of three car doors being opened and slammed close. Originally the homeowner heard four doors, but only three individuals
Entered the home. Where was the fourth individual?
There may be a plausible reason to explain this situation. But it might explain why this rural township with an 85% black population, repeatedly elected white individuals to all leadership positions.
What other creative ways will be used to suppress voter participation? How long will we tolerate obvious injustice?
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